viernes, 21 de junio de 2019


In this part, there are different topics that we can find in the TOEFL EXAM 


The first topic was WORD FORM. I consider, this topic is easy because we just have to know and learn the form of the word, when it is a noun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb and so on. We did not do a quiz about this topic but I felt good doing some exercises to practice. It is important to say that, there were some words that I did not know the form because some of them were difficult, that`s why we have to learn and practice the form of each word, and also we can memorize them.


The second topic was INVERSION. In the beginning, I thought this topic was difficult but, I made a great effort to understand it and I studied a lot. In this topic, the most difficult part was the exceptions that we had to take into account and pay attention at the moment of using this topic. I practiced a lot to be well prepared for the quiz. The teacher helped us because she facilitated information and some exercises to understand better the topic, it helped me too much. I was worried about this term because the first term was bad and I felt disappointed, but I did not try to give up and study much more to improve. In the quiz that was done about it, I got a very good grade, It was excellent, I felt so happy because I had good results and then, I could handle the topic perfectly.


The third topic was PARALLELISMIt was also an easy topic because it just consisted of following two or more phrases or clauses in a sentence that have the same grammatical structure. I did different exercises on the internet and I learned too much. Also in the classes, we practiced a lot. In the quiz of this topic, I felt excellent because I could understand everything. Also, I got good results, I just had one mistake in the quiz and I felt motivated.


The last topic of this term was WORD CHOICE. For me, this topic was a little difficult because there were many words to learn. I already knew some of them and their uses. I think the most important aspect of this topic is to learn the rules of each word to understand better. I felt ok with this topic, we did a quiz about it but I do not know how was it, I hope to get good results. The quiz was easy, but I think I made some mistakes because I was confused with some words.


We did a simulacrum as a quiz. For me, the most difficult part of this test was listening. I am not good at listening but I am trying to do my best to improve in that skill. I felt good in the reading part that was easy. I was worried because this test was taken as a quiz. I did not have good results but I have realized that I have improved a lot, and that is good. I will continue practicing to improve more and more. 

The partial exam was a disaster, I felt so bad because that was not how I expected. I think that this term was better, and the next one is going to be excellent. 
I am going to continue working and studying hard to pass my subject and have a good result in the TOEFL exam.

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