sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019


This was the third term of the course and we studied two grammar topics that were missing.


The first topic of this last term was CLAUSES. we learned about the type of subordinate clauses. However, we had to learn some exceptions. This topic was easy. I felt excellent in this class because it was a topic we already knew and I just was clarifying some doubts about it. The teacher gave us some exercises to practice at home and then we had to socialize them in class. we did a quiz about this topic and I got good results


SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT. This was the last grammar topic. I think it was the easiest topic of the course because we just had to know that the subject and verbs must agree with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular, if a subject is a plural, its verb must also be plural. Besides that, we had to follow some important rules to use it correctly. That was all we needed to know to understand subject-verb agreement. I felt excellent with this topic because I could understand it. However, in the classes, we practiced a lot. The teacher provided us the necessary material to practice at home.  we did a quiz on this topic and I got excellent results, I was so happy because I was improving and I needed good grades to pass the course. 


In this part, the teacher gave us some strategies to put into practice when doing readings. This was one of the parts that  I wanted to work more because when performing the simulacrum I never had enough time to finish this part. The teacher provided us material to practice a lot, the strategies before mentioned. I felt good with this part but I know that I had to improve and use the necessary strategies to finish all this part. Besides that, we did a quiz of this reading part and the result was more or less. I studied the strategies to implement them in the TOEFL exam. 


I have always been worried about facing this exam. When I take an exam despite studying, it always gives me a lot of anxiety, fear, my mind is filled with negative thoughts, etc.
The day before the exam I tried to be relaxed, with good thoughts that I could get a good result, I asked God very much to give me the wisdom and the necessary calm to take the exam. On the day of the exam, I took into account all the recommendations suggested by the teacher at the time of doing the exam. In the listening part, I felt calm, many of the conversations were clear and understandable, sometimes I tried to confuse because there were always two similar answers that tend to confuse, but I tried to calm down and choose the one I considered correct, I felt good over time in answering each question.

In the grammar part, many of the questions were easy, but in the part of finding the mistake, I found it a little difficult, because many times I did not know how to identify the mistakes and the sentences seemed to be correct. when the time was up I missed 5 sentences to answer and I had to take time from the reading part to answer them.
In the reading part, I worried a little because I saw that the time would not be enough to finish that part. I think that the vocabulary of some readings was a bit complicated and I found it a little difficult to understand many things. In this part, I tried to use all the strategies studied in class to answer specific questions at the end and the easiest ones at the beginning. I felt that I analyzed each question of each reading a lot and I lost a lot of time in that. At the end of the exam, the last reading was missing because the time was not enough for me and I had to answer as quickly as possible so as not to leave the spaces blank. 

On the other hand, I hope to have got a good result in the exam. After I finished the exam I felt a little scared because that result would be taken as the partial exam. However, I will continue studying and working on those skills in which I have flaws. I tried to do my best in this course. In the first term, I had some difficulties and I tried to study more to improve them. I feel that in the second term I improve my results regarding the simulacrums and now in the last term, I try to improve even more and I feel that I have done better than in the previous terms. It is important to say that, I learned a lot in this course about some grammar topics that were not clear and about many strategies taught by the teacher to put into practice when developing each skill. 

viernes, 21 de junio de 2019


In this part, there are different topics that we can find in the TOEFL EXAM 


The first topic was WORD FORM. I consider, this topic is easy because we just have to know and learn the form of the word, when it is a noun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb and so on. We did not do a quiz about this topic but I felt good doing some exercises to practice. It is important to say that, there were some words that I did not know the form because some of them were difficult, that`s why we have to learn and practice the form of each word, and also we can memorize them.


The second topic was INVERSION. In the beginning, I thought this topic was difficult but, I made a great effort to understand it and I studied a lot. In this topic, the most difficult part was the exceptions that we had to take into account and pay attention at the moment of using this topic. I practiced a lot to be well prepared for the quiz. The teacher helped us because she facilitated information and some exercises to understand better the topic, it helped me too much. I was worried about this term because the first term was bad and I felt disappointed, but I did not try to give up and study much more to improve. In the quiz that was done about it, I got a very good grade, It was excellent, I felt so happy because I had good results and then, I could handle the topic perfectly.


The third topic was PARALLELISMIt was also an easy topic because it just consisted of following two or more phrases or clauses in a sentence that have the same grammatical structure. I did different exercises on the internet and I learned too much. Also in the classes, we practiced a lot. In the quiz of this topic, I felt excellent because I could understand everything. Also, I got good results, I just had one mistake in the quiz and I felt motivated.


The last topic of this term was WORD CHOICE. For me, this topic was a little difficult because there were many words to learn. I already knew some of them and their uses. I think the most important aspect of this topic is to learn the rules of each word to understand better. I felt ok with this topic, we did a quiz about it but I do not know how was it, I hope to get good results. The quiz was easy, but I think I made some mistakes because I was confused with some words.


We did a simulacrum as a quiz. For me, the most difficult part of this test was listening. I am not good at listening but I am trying to do my best to improve in that skill. I felt good in the reading part that was easy. I was worried because this test was taken as a quiz. I did not have good results but I have realized that I have improved a lot, and that is good. I will continue practicing to improve more and more. 

The partial exam was a disaster, I felt so bad because that was not how I expected. I think that this term was better, and the next one is going to be excellent. 
I am going to continue working and studying hard to pass my subject and have a good result in the TOEFL exam.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019



In this part, there are different lessons and in for each lesson, there were different strategies.

For me, this was the easiest part. In this part, we learned many things and strategies that can help us to understand better the listenings. For me, it was very difficult to answer each question in a short time and also that the listenings were played only once since we were used to listening to the two or three times and for me, it was better to understand the listening. There was a lesson in this part that tended to confuse me it was lesson 2," Dialogs with sound confusion". This lesson confused me because it involved confusion between words that had similar sounds. so it was hard to understand this lesson.
For me, the easiest lesson was number 9 because, in this lesson, we had to pay attention to what people in the dialogue were doing. Also, it was easy because we had to determine what activity people were doing according to the vocabulary they were using or according to the context in which the conversation was taking place. In general, I think that part A was easy.
In the exam that was done of this part, I did not do well, it was a disaster. I feel very disappointed and frustrated, but I think I have to concentrate more and practice more listening to develop more and more that skill. I am not good at listening and listening for me is the most difficult English skill but I will try to do my best and try to improve more and more using the necessary strategies to get better results.


This part B was more difficult than part A. The lessons were complicated. The most difficult lesson of this part was lesson 12      "Answering overview questions about extended conversations". It was really difficult because we needed an understanding of the whole conversation rather than of any specific point. so, we had to pay close attention to the whole conversation to answer the questions. In the practice of this lesson was good, I felt motivated because I understood most of the conversation, but when doing the exam I felt so bad because I did not understand many things that were important to answer the questions.


This part C was more or less difficult but I felt ok. Some of the lessons were easy to understand, others needed more effort and attention. I know I have to practice more to improve many aspects of the listening skill. I think I have to be faster to answer the questions because I took too much time to analyze each question and something that is not in my favor is the time. The listenings need a lot of practice and concentration, I know that in the end I will achieve it and learn a lot to put everything I learned into practice in the international exam.